Wednesday 8 December 2010

John Tucker must die review

Rated 12A. A pile of formulaic rubbish, which not only explores familiar themes, but is also clueless about teen culture, sickenly cute and very rarely funny.

There are 2 bits which are funny. OK, I have to admit, I really laughed and I was on my own. But this movie tries to be cute, not apealing to anyone except kids. This movie is so cute (In a sickening way) that it is actually oddly creepy. Also, you feel sorry for John Tucker.

The film is something very unlikley. Things like what happen in the film just don't happen in real life. All those other movies about choices and first love do happen. So this is clueless about what really happens. Maybe it need a Sherlock Holmes to look for clues. Then it can clean up its act and be something more realistic.

I am beggining to realise that I don't like teen movies. The only good teen movies I have seen are Final destination, Final destination 2, and Final destination 3. This was even worse then Whip it. At least whip it tried.This is a TERRIBLE movie! 1 star out of 5.

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