Saturday, 19 February 2011

Ma vie en rose review

Rated 12. Ma vie en rose translates as "my life in pink". It follows a boy who has a strong desire to be a girl and cross dresses, which creates the drama that is Ma vie en rose! As you can see from the above poster this won many awards. This film is not in the english language (it is french) and won a goldon globe. Why, I'll never know.

Ma vie en rose benefits from good performances the young actor who plays Ludovic and many of its other actors. There is a bold combination of styles. Goes into the imagination of a young boy well but it is uneffective in the end. The concept is a good one which is horribly misused. At the beggining you think: " Wow this is going to be really affecting and I'm going to love it!" That is what I thought. At first.

The good concept is completely squandered. Firstly, the film is rather upsetting. Many would translate that as moving. Sometimes, I disagree with the general opinion of  a film. I'm giving a movie which managed to get 90% on rotten tomatoes a negative review. I have my reasons. This could be too much for some. It actually got an R rating in the united states and a 12 certificate in the UK. Probaly because the film is deeply upseting. It just is. Not everyone will be able to watch and like this.

Another thing I will add is that the plot is terrible. Not joking. It is very bad.  The plot is frantic and adds event after event stacked together. The drama just doesn't work. Just hopelesssly muddled and not thought about carefully enough. The bleak and haunting theme music could be described and poignant by some yet I describe it as making the film menacing and bleak. The film isn't dramatic in its emotions. When it tries to be dramatic it just doesn't work. Perhaps, worst of all, the conclusion settles nothing. Sometimes I have disliked whole films because they have a bad ending. Films I have moderately enjoyed until the end (eg Star Wars: The Clone Wars).  I mean, the family is ok again. What kind of an ending is that? I mean, the boy still wants to be a girl. Conclusion is very bad indeed. Terrible plot!

Overall verdict: This unpleasant film has a bold combination of styles and decent performances but a stupid plot, an empty conclusion, over-seriousness and lack of emotional insight make this a deeply unintelligent drama. 1.5 stars out of 5.


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