Saturday 30 October 2010

Star wars episode III:: Revenge of the Sith review

Rated 12. With the prequel trilogy, the road has been rough. It  is not easy, creating a story that leads up to the old ones perfectly but George Lucas has done well. Excellent action sequence and awesome effects help to  make an entertaining movie.

It is the most violent and tear jerking of all of the films. It was sad to see Anakin go. Also, the chracters lose a lot of the charm they had in Attack of the clones. R2 D2 is by far the best chracter. Anakin (when he is good), and Obi wan are cool. But its just that the chracters are way more serious. Padme is no longer the hot and likable chracter she used to be. She is much less pretty and, to be honest, quite annoying. Some gritty movie, huh? The new ones just need to relax a little.

This film breaks Star wars records: Most lightsabre duels, most planets shown, most violence, most things revealed and most good guys killed. The old ones did well, but this honestly has the best effects in the series. With all the starships and battles, this is one visual spectacle! The direction is OK.

When I first watched this at 8 I didn't like it because it was really upsetting. Now I like it but it still is tough stuff to watch and can still refer to it as a tear jerker mainly due to Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader.

It will please every star wars fan, because although it is sad to see the end of star wars, we can be glad that its going out on a high. 4 stars out of five. 

Thursday 28 October 2010

Final destination 3 review

Rated 15. Fnal destination 3 is, without a doubt, the best in the series. FD3 creates incredible amounts of menace and, if that was not enough, creaes awe-inspiring disaster sequences, edge of the seat thrills and refeshing amounts of gore.

Final destination 3 is my favorite horror film for many reasons. The acting is still a bit flighty and there are some inapropiate references to real life events. But FD3 manages to create interesting characters with all their different personalities as no other FINAL DESTINATION film has done. Not all of the chracters are likable. But FD3 is given even more lift by superb performances by it's two leads. It boasts a script which is very smartly written. The direction is excellent.

This is not a kid's movie! There is some very strong violence here! But who cares? The gore will apeal to many, while the thrills and explosions are for others. The subway crash at the end is one of the best disaster sequences I have ever seen. If a little unpleasant.

This series proves it still has potential, and FD3 carries on the work the original started. This thriller hits very hard. Bit of a shame the series was let down by the next installment but this is not only the goriest movie I have seen, its also one of the best! 5 stars out of 5.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

ET review

Rated PG. Steven Speilberg's timeless classic, filled with humour, excitement and warmth, still bring tears to eyes to this day.

ET is an uplifting film and something you don't forget easily. It also has some exciting moments and is from time to time, very funny. Steven Speilberg is my favorite director and he has always delivered great movies. ET is known for it's simple, yet magical shot of a boy in a bike with something in the basket (the alien). you must have seen that image. That isn't the most magical moment in the film. The fnal scene is though. That and one other scene have a rare ability: To touch hearts.

The movie has a plot with perfect pacing. It is also exciting and gripping. Some will dismiss ET as boring but there is more to a movie than excitment. ET is a movie that will live a long time. Perhaps longer than Titanic and Jaws. It will certainly outlive the less well known Steven Speiberg films such as the poor Hook.

Overall, ET is a magical movie and is sure to survive for a very long time. five stars out of 5.

Monday 25 October 2010

Date night review

Rated 15. Date night is one of the weidest comedies out there. Blending mostly not-that-funny comedy, rather unexciting action into a dull and formalaic action plot... We have got to be heading for trouble...

Date night has 2 very talented leads. The imensely likable Steve Carrell and Tina Fey. They are the source of laughs in this rather unfunny comedy. There are some funny bits and one bit is a tiny bit exciting. The acting from the leads is what generates the laughs, as well as  good direction.

Date night has a very odd plot. A bored couple go to a resturant and then, thanks to the husband's stupidity, get caught in a case of mistaken identity. What an empty plot! And then a shortage of laughs. The screenplay is poorly written, overloaded with crude dialoge instead of the unpredictable humour a comedy like this desperatley needs to excuse the stupid plot.

Date night is just an odd, unexciting and poorly written comedy. It is such a waste of Steve Carrell and Tina Fey's talent. This movie is aimless too. 2010 is not a very good year in comedy. This mediocore movie is further proof. FAIL! 1 and a half stars out of 5.

Batman returns

Rated 15. This was the first 15 I ever watched. It was so dsapointing it hurt. Michael Keaton is a terrible batman, and though Michelle Pfeiffer gives it her all, Danny Devito stands out. To be honest with you, he is the only good thing in this terrible movie. Basicly, this movie is grim, overly dark and largely unthrilling.

Danny Devito is a good penquin who fills the role well. But a superhero movie nees more than just endless misery. This joyless dark atmosphere is only helped by no joy and the majority of the film being set at night. This movie lacks a heart and it lacks a soul. Where are those deep chracters and good plot with an exciting climatic battle. They are all absent. A very unexciting hero too. Batman was good when played by Val Kilmer, he was good when he was played by George Cloony and very good when played by Christian Bale. Michael Keaton just can't fill the shadowy figure with the excitment and mystery it needs to be a memorable hero. Newflash: Batman goes 2-D! (Here meaning a very boring character!)

Other superhero movies are exciting. Not this one. This foucuses on all the broody characters while leaving  little room for any excitment. This is in no way a bright movie. I don't know why it got 77% on rotten tomatoes. I think this movie is overrated just like Avatar. At least Avatar is better.

Overall this is a fantasticly dire movie and it is 2nd  in my top ten worst movies list. Destination: The cinematic sewers. 1 star out of 5. (I would give 0 stars if I could).

Sunday 24 October 2010

Avatar review

Rated 12. Avatar is visually stunning. We can certainly agree on that. But visuals aren't everything. The speicial effects can't help Avatar overcome its inflated length, poor pacing and, most of all, bad story. I know people love this movie. I personally think it is overrated.

Lets foucus on the positives first. Good performance from Sam Worthigton. There are 2 really good bits in it. The bit where the pratagonist is learning to fly on one of those flying things and the climatic battle. The final battle is very good. The visuals were groundbreaking. James Cameron is good with special effects. The blue people and the creatures of Pandora are stunning to look at, and the scenery on pandora is awe-inspiring.

Now we are looking at the negatives. The characters are weak. A very forgettable pratagonist and antagonist. The most memorable character is certainly the blue girlfriend of the pratagonist, purely because she is one of the blue people. Avatar just doesen't make you feel any warmth because the romance in it is not touching and the film makes you feel no happiness or sadness. At the end, you just feel glad its over. Comparing it to the STAR WARS films, which have lovable chracters, honest emotion, humourous moments and plenty of exciting bits. Avatar doesn't have all those qualities.

The film is Very long. About 162 minuites. I know Titanic is even longer but Titanic is romantic, thrilling and visualy stuning, as well as well played and well made. Avatar also suffers from its lack of thrills. The story never seems to get going and Avatar is in the end, not tht entertaining.

Also, Avatar's poor plot makes things worse. The plot is bland and also it just does not work. It is safe to say that Avatar has more ideas than it can handle

Avatar isn't awful but it isn't great either. Since the movie's romantic element does not touch, this movie feels kinda detached. I know this isn't a kids movie (I was 11 when I saw this at the cinema) but plenty of kids praise this movie. A lot of people judge this movie by its special effects and its few action sequences. I look at the movie as a whole. I mean, if they lke the effects so much then why not put this movie in an art gallery? 2 stars out of 5. 

Movies I would like to see

Hi! I am hollywood fan, the creator of this blog. I love movies! My first 2 reviews aren't that good, but from now on my reviews will be better. I have plenty of movies that I want to watch but can't. Here are some of them:

 Die hard: (18) Action classic starring Bruce Willis. In this movie he takes on some terrorists in a skyscrapper. Guns, bad guys, explosions; looks awesome!

District 9:(15) OSCAR nominated sci-fi picture. The film centers around a camp called district 9 where aliens who arrived on earth 28 years ago are being kept in slum-like conditions. When a human starts mutating, he discovers what it is like for the aliens. This looks pretty darn good!

The hurt locker:(15) OSCAR winning war drama about a bomb disposal squad in Iraq. This movie has won so many awards! This movie looks so cool! 

Precious: (15) Yet another OSCAR nominee about a girl whose life goes from really miserable to very happy. I would quite like to see it.

Inglourious barsterds: (18) OSCAR nominated war film from Quentin Tarantino about group who fight the germans. Sounds good but sounds VERY violent.

The saw films: (All 18s) Grisly horror series from LIONSGATE. They have become the second the highest grossing horror series in history, after the FRIDAY THE 13TH. They look good but very scary! I won't tell you what goes on in them!

The silence of the lambs: (18) Well played thriller (so it is said) starring Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. Both those leads are meant to be very good in it; Well, they both won OSCARs! Even though Hopkins is only featured in 16 minuites of the whole movie! This sounds like an excellent thriller! I will not tell you anything about the plot! This film is the third and most recent film to win the five major academy awards.

Carrie: (18) OSCAR nominated horror film by Brian De Palma. This sounds good. It is about a bullied high school girl who has telekinetic powers. She is invited to the prom and just as she takes her first steps towards social aceptance, she is tricked again and the prom goes of with a bang. Quite literally. Carrie is generally regarded as one of the best horror films ever made.

Devil: (15) New horror thriller. A group of people get trapped in an elavator and realise the devil is among them. Looks great!

Old horror films: (18s mostly) A nightmare on elm street, halloween, friday the 13th; plenty of cool looking horror films.

Saturday 23 October 2010

Catwoman review

Rated 12. A shockingly bad action thriller. It was too terible to believe. Terrible characters, no depth, a weak plot and dull action scenes. The whole movie is campy and cannot do anything right. The direction is poor too. Like the vile BATMAN RETURNS, catwoman is grim, humourlous and uninteresting that it just isn't aceptable. Halle Berry is the only good thing in this dreadful film. But her good looks and tough on-screen performance just can't  get excuse all the flaws of the movie. The plot was horrible! Many films are dark, like THE DARK KNIGHT and FINAL DESTINATION, but those two are excellent films which make grade easily. CATWOMAN deserved worst picture because it is in no way, a memorable movie.  1 star out of 5.

Kickass Review

Rated 15. Kick-ass is one of those really weird superhero movies. Overloaded with swearwords and filled with bloody violence. Kick-ass packs a lot of punch, however, with it's solid direction and thrilling action scenes. It is a comic book movie that for once, isn't for children. But Kick-ass also delivers some emotion in the middle of all that fighting and action. just goes to show there is room for someting else. Its also funny. But kick-ass is not without its flaws. They did not have to make quite so dark! And at some points the film gets a little distastefull. It still is one of 2010's better films and will please fans of the genre and the public alike.
 4 stars out of 5.