Saturday 23 October 2010

Catwoman review

Rated 12. A shockingly bad action thriller. It was too terible to believe. Terrible characters, no depth, a weak plot and dull action scenes. The whole movie is campy and cannot do anything right. The direction is poor too. Like the vile BATMAN RETURNS, catwoman is grim, humourlous and uninteresting that it just isn't aceptable. Halle Berry is the only good thing in this dreadful film. But her good looks and tough on-screen performance just can't  get excuse all the flaws of the movie. The plot was horrible! Many films are dark, like THE DARK KNIGHT and FINAL DESTINATION, but those two are excellent films which make grade easily. CATWOMAN deserved worst picture because it is in no way, a memorable movie.  1 star out of 5.

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