Sunday 24 October 2010

Movies I would like to see

Hi! I am hollywood fan, the creator of this blog. I love movies! My first 2 reviews aren't that good, but from now on my reviews will be better. I have plenty of movies that I want to watch but can't. Here are some of them:

 Die hard: (18) Action classic starring Bruce Willis. In this movie he takes on some terrorists in a skyscrapper. Guns, bad guys, explosions; looks awesome!

District 9:(15) OSCAR nominated sci-fi picture. The film centers around a camp called district 9 where aliens who arrived on earth 28 years ago are being kept in slum-like conditions. When a human starts mutating, he discovers what it is like for the aliens. This looks pretty darn good!

The hurt locker:(15) OSCAR winning war drama about a bomb disposal squad in Iraq. This movie has won so many awards! This movie looks so cool! 

Precious: (15) Yet another OSCAR nominee about a girl whose life goes from really miserable to very happy. I would quite like to see it.

Inglourious barsterds: (18) OSCAR nominated war film from Quentin Tarantino about group who fight the germans. Sounds good but sounds VERY violent.

The saw films: (All 18s) Grisly horror series from LIONSGATE. They have become the second the highest grossing horror series in history, after the FRIDAY THE 13TH. They look good but very scary! I won't tell you what goes on in them!

The silence of the lambs: (18) Well played thriller (so it is said) starring Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. Both those leads are meant to be very good in it; Well, they both won OSCARs! Even though Hopkins is only featured in 16 minuites of the whole movie! This sounds like an excellent thriller! I will not tell you anything about the plot! This film is the third and most recent film to win the five major academy awards.

Carrie: (18) OSCAR nominated horror film by Brian De Palma. This sounds good. It is about a bullied high school girl who has telekinetic powers. She is invited to the prom and just as she takes her first steps towards social aceptance, she is tricked again and the prom goes of with a bang. Quite literally. Carrie is generally regarded as one of the best horror films ever made.

Devil: (15) New horror thriller. A group of people get trapped in an elavator and realise the devil is among them. Looks great!

Old horror films: (18s mostly) A nightmare on elm street, halloween, friday the 13th; plenty of cool looking horror films.

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