Monday 29 November 2010

Toy story review

Rated PG. Toy story is a landmark in cinema. It not only was the first ever entirely computer-generated movie ever and instanty became a cult classic, it also was one of the best animated films ever, boasting a wonderful soundtrack, lovable chracters, unbelievable amounts of charm and plenty of high quality entertainment.

The chracters to this day are loved. Also the music is wonderful. I adore the song "you've got a friend in me". But the story is what really gets to me. The story is wonderful; it is both thoughtful and charming. It also contains excitment. Very witty script too.

Overall, a beautiful peice of art and one that will stay for a very long time. One of my all time favorites. 5 stars out of 5.

Friday 19 November 2010

Whip it review

Rated 12A. Whip it has fine performances at its helm, but it is in a word, terrible. I know a lot of people liked this... I hated it; I thought it was a pile of formaliac junk; Devoid of laughs, drained of energy and featuring a stupid and dull plot, whip it sure has a bit of growing up to do

Ellen Page gives it her all and there is some fine acting, but Whip it has plenty of ingredients already seen. But whip it tries to be different. I won't reveal what happens that is different, but I don't like these changes. They give the movie an unsatisfying feel. Trying to be different is good, but they made it worse because they took out the wrong things.

Whip it shows flashes of emotional depth, but that can't excuse the movies flaws.The script is kind of bland.The movie is very boring but the sport is interesting.

Slack direction and nearly entirely devoid of laughs. A boring and overly familiar plot. TERRIBLE MOVIE! 1 star out of 5.

Thursday 11 November 2010

The twilight saga new moon reveiw

Unable to get image. Apologies.

Rated 12A. New moon is the most dire fantasy movie ever. There is almost nothing good about it at all. I know girls like this movie and thats OK. I just hate it, thats all.

There is only one funny bit in the movie. The rest of it is completely humourless. Its too joyless to be anything special. Taylor Lautner is fine, but Bella and Edward are apalling actors. With couples like Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala  and Harry Potter and Ginny Weasl, you want it to work. With Bella and Edward, I don't care.

New moon also suffers from a bad soundtrack, a weak script, and terrible pacing. If you hated Twilight, which was good, you will hate this more. 1 star out of five.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

The losers review

Rated 12. The losers, in a word, was garbage! Mixing 2-D characters, poor pacing and and a detached feel, the losers fails with a big fat F.

The script is good and the acting is all right but it is not easy to make me laugh when I am watching on my own. I watched this movie on the plane. It had don't stop believing in it which is an excellent song. It tries to be funny but comes of as imature.

The losers is suprisingly boring and it doesn't hit hard at all. You could forget it easily if you wanted to. Its also very violent and the chracters are terrible. The losers isn't gritty or powerful or fun, its just a load of explosions.

It isn't terrible but it can't muster enough action or an interesting enough plot to save itself from living up to its title in a ver bad way. 2 stars out of 5.

Saturday 6 November 2010

The adventures of Tintin review

Rated U. Tintin is an  ingeinious combination of likable chracters, good humour, a smart script and white-knuckle action. Also, the stories are unique nd really fun! I love Tintin, as it also benefits from superb source matirial. Tintin is a enjoyable and charming series for all ages. Here are the stories from worst to best. Note: King Ottokar's Sceptre is not on here as the episode alays freezes but I have read the comic (It isn't a very good one anyway).

The Castafiore emerald: Lacks excitment, originality and isn't even an engaging mystery story.

Land Of The Black Gold: Not very exciting, with locations and action seen in other Tintins.

Tintin And The Broken Ear: More confusing then thrilling.

The Secret Of The Unicorn: Its OK, but not one of the most entertaining ones.

The Black Island: Bleak but it can be tense and is sometimes very funny.

Destination Moon: Interesting but the true source of exciitmentt lies in te next episode

The Red Sea Sharks: Has its moments but  the plot is very confusing.

Tintin And The Picaros: The plot is dull but it still has potential.

The Blue Lotus: Thrilling and gripping, the blue loutus  certainly packs a punch.

The Crab With The Golden Claws: Typical plot but it still delivers an entertaining Tintin episode.

The Calculas Affair: An gripping  plot and plenty of excitment.

Cigars Of The Pharoh: Although its locations are familiar, it delivers action and an impressive plot.

Flight 714: One of the most mysterious Tintins, Action and mystirious sci-fi elements give this one punch!

The seven crystal balls: The most creepy and one of the most compelling, this episode is the most controversial of all the tintins.

The Shooting Star: Again, a brilliant plot and a dose of fantasy and action

Tintin In America: Excellent white-knukcle action, with a hard hiting gangster plot.

Tintin In Tibet: Excellent plot and tremendously exciting!

Red Rackem's Treasure: This awesome treasure hunt story is more than the average treasure hunt.

Explorers on the moon: One of the most exciting plots in Tintin, this one just can't be missed.

Prisoners Of The Sun: So exciting and riverting that no Tintin can beat it.