Thursday 11 November 2010

The twilight saga new moon reveiw

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Rated 12A. New moon is the most dire fantasy movie ever. There is almost nothing good about it at all. I know girls like this movie and thats OK. I just hate it, thats all.

There is only one funny bit in the movie. The rest of it is completely humourless. Its too joyless to be anything special. Taylor Lautner is fine, but Bella and Edward are apalling actors. With couples like Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala  and Harry Potter and Ginny Weasl, you want it to work. With Bella and Edward, I don't care.

New moon also suffers from a bad soundtrack, a weak script, and terrible pacing. If you hated Twilight, which was good, you will hate this more. 1 star out of five.

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