Tuesday 9 November 2010

The losers review

Rated 12. The losers, in a word, was garbage! Mixing 2-D characters, poor pacing and and a detached feel, the losers fails with a big fat F.

The script is good and the acting is all right but it is not easy to make me laugh when I am watching on my own. I watched this movie on the plane. It had don't stop believing in it which is an excellent song. It tries to be funny but comes of as imature.

The losers is suprisingly boring and it doesn't hit hard at all. You could forget it easily if you wanted to. Its also very violent and the chracters are terrible. The losers isn't gritty or powerful or fun, its just a load of explosions.

It isn't terrible but it can't muster enough action or an interesting enough plot to save itself from living up to its title in a ver bad way. 2 stars out of 5.

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