Saturday 6 November 2010

The adventures of Tintin review

Rated U. Tintin is an  ingeinious combination of likable chracters, good humour, a smart script and white-knuckle action. Also, the stories are unique nd really fun! I love Tintin, as it also benefits from superb source matirial. Tintin is a enjoyable and charming series for all ages. Here are the stories from worst to best. Note: King Ottokar's Sceptre is not on here as the episode alays freezes but I have read the comic (It isn't a very good one anyway).

The Castafiore emerald: Lacks excitment, originality and isn't even an engaging mystery story.

Land Of The Black Gold: Not very exciting, with locations and action seen in other Tintins.

Tintin And The Broken Ear: More confusing then thrilling.

The Secret Of The Unicorn: Its OK, but not one of the most entertaining ones.

The Black Island: Bleak but it can be tense and is sometimes very funny.

Destination Moon: Interesting but the true source of exciitmentt lies in te next episode

The Red Sea Sharks: Has its moments but  the plot is very confusing.

Tintin And The Picaros: The plot is dull but it still has potential.

The Blue Lotus: Thrilling and gripping, the blue loutus  certainly packs a punch.

The Crab With The Golden Claws: Typical plot but it still delivers an entertaining Tintin episode.

The Calculas Affair: An gripping  plot and plenty of excitment.

Cigars Of The Pharoh: Although its locations are familiar, it delivers action and an impressive plot.

Flight 714: One of the most mysterious Tintins, Action and mystirious sci-fi elements give this one punch!

The seven crystal balls: The most creepy and one of the most compelling, this episode is the most controversial of all the tintins.

The Shooting Star: Again, a brilliant plot and a dose of fantasy and action

Tintin In America: Excellent white-knukcle action, with a hard hiting gangster plot.

Tintin In Tibet: Excellent plot and tremendously exciting!

Red Rackem's Treasure: This awesome treasure hunt story is more than the average treasure hunt.

Explorers on the moon: One of the most exciting plots in Tintin, this one just can't be missed.

Prisoners Of The Sun: So exciting and riverting that no Tintin can beat it.

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